How cold is too cold for quail?


5 Years
Feb 25, 2018
Hello! I just recently bought coturnix quail and they’re about a month old. I have 20 of them in this coop attached below. During the night they tend to huddle up in the corner underneath the branches that I have for them in there. They don’t use the upstairs area, they just stay downstairs. Their flooring right now is just sandy soil. It will be around 40-50F at night this week and the wind speeds will be around 10-15 MPH. Is this too cold for them? Should I put some straw for them or is it necessary to cover the sides so wind doesn’t get in? TIA


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The temperature isn't a problem, but the wind might be. They're ground birds and aren't likely to use the upper area, but you can give them cardboard boxes to shelter in. As long as they are dry and out of the wind, they can handle below freezing temperatures just fine.
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That should be okay, but know they're almost certainly never going to go up the ramp and into the house, especially at night
Yeah I unfortunately found that out a little bit too late lol I just use the top area when introducing more quail so they don’t get too crazy flying everywhere
I just put chicks outside - about 3 weeks old. It’s getting down to about 50 at night and they are doing ok. I ran out of space inside so out they went. They are protected from wind and have shavings in the bottom of their pen. When put outside they will feather faster as Mother Nature is good that way 😀
I've read that coturnix are hardier than many of us give them credit for. Perry Schofield in Canada has written that in Alberta in (relatively) extremely cold winter weather, his coturnix do fine as long as they have protection from the elements, wind, rain, snow etc. I believe he also wrote that he gives them only snow in place of water when its freezing and snow is available.

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