How do I cut off my roosters spurs?


11 Years
Dec 22, 2008
Port Orchard, Washington
My rooster has 3-4 inch long spurs and they are hindering his ability to get around and keep up with the hens. I'm scared he wouldn't be able to get away in case any predators came around. They are all free range but our farm is fenced.

I asked the vet to cut them off and he said they would just grow back.
Rooster is a big Banty mix, gentle and easy to handle.
I have looked online and everywhere it just says these can be cut off but nowhere was I able to find photos of it being done. I'd attempt it myself but without proper instructions I am scared of hurting or killing him.
I use a dremmel tool with a Small Bolt cutting wheel, its quick, and cauterized the quick as it cuts so no blood. I can do it by myself(but then again I have talent unlike most
), but it is easiest to have someone else hold the roo. I cut even with leg, which will last for quit a while. Its like a dogs nail or fingernail, it will grow back unless you surgically remove it, but its not hard to do.
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What you do is, get used cigerett buts, 2 of them put them aside.
hold the rooster like a football, or have someone else hold him.
what you need to do is twist the spur and keep twisting it back and forth and you should be able to just pull it off, it will bleed so you will then push the cigarett but on to the piece of inner spur that will be left.

yes they will grow back, they are like fingernails.

also you can just file them down if you dont want to pull them off.
They will just grow back. But it's not hard to deal with.
Someone showed me this just recently...
The "quick" on a rooster's spur is about 1" long. Have someone hold the rooster firmly (head under arm) so you can hold his foot in one hand and pliers in the other. Take a pair of pliers, ones designed to grip something round with teeth, and firmly grip the spur about 1.5-2" from the leg. (Don't squeeze so hard that you crack it.) Gently twist the spur, applying just enough force to "pop" it... it will usually slide off the "quick" with little to no bleeding. Reminded me of pulling the shell off of a crab-claw. The "quick" is soft at first, but will harden up quickly. Have something on hand just in case there is bleeding... I grabbed on too close to the leg, and accidentally crushed the quick on one rooster that had shorter spurs. If you don't crush the "quick" it should be just fine. I've done it to several birds that had 3"+ long spurs, and it worked great. Didn't show any signs that it hurt them at all... they hardly knew what I was doing.

Or, you can sit there with a Dremmel tool and sand it down... that works too.
Used cigarette butts

yea i know i thought the same thing. Hubby show me that one, but it really works, it also protects that inner part from getting any infections from dirt or poop.

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