How do you call your ducks?

Pollo Blanco

Free Ranging
13 Years
Jun 8, 2010
Western Washington
I tried the Olt 115 this morning and it worked rather well. Go figure; it's a duck call after all!


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A higher than normal pitched "Little ducky babies!" and "come here duckyduckyducky" usually worked. Sometimes they'd get really enamoured with the bathroom mirror and require a couple more "Excuse me? Where are you?"s
Not so much for me (unless I have a chunk of juicy watermelon in my hands lol) but my 15 year old daughter will stand on the back step and call "Ladies!" and they come running in a flurry of excited quacking and jump into her arms! Seeing two happy ducks running as fast as their little legs will carry them to see their favourite human truly melts my heart 🥰
Not so much for me (unless I have a chunk of juicy watermelon in my hands lol) but my 15 year old daughter will stand on the back step and call "Ladies!" and they come running in a flurry of excited quacking and jump into her arms! Seeing two happy ducks running as fast as their little legs will carry them to see their favourite human truly melts my heart 🥰
Don't forget about those cute little tails wagging back and forth ! :celebrate

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