How do you get a frizzle?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 9, 2011
Milton, Florida
I was told to breed a Cochin to a Silkie and you would get a frizzle. But the more I read on here it sounds like a frizzle is a breed of its own and that you have to have a frizzle to make more frizzles. Can someone enlighten me further on how this works? In English please as I have not learned how all of the genetics work. LOL
frizzle is not a breed. It is a variety formed by a genetic oopsie. Yes, you have to have a frizzle to make more frizzles. However, I have no clue how the frizzle appears initially.
A Frizzled Cochin gives you Frizzled Cochins, there is no Silkie involved. However, breeding a Frizzled Cochin to a Silkie does give you Sizzles (birds with Frizzled feathers and Silkie type), maybe that's what your source was thinking about?
Here's how you get a frizzle: Come to my house. I have a 6-week-old bantam frizzle cockerel looking for a new home (I have two, only need one).

His name is Roy, but you can call him whatever you like. LOL.
Haha, I like this answer best.

Here is a link to how to breed frizzles. If you have any questions you are more than welcome to PM me and I will help you any way I can.


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