how do you imagine me game!


The Duck Whisperer
7 Years
Aug 24, 2012
My own imagination. Beat that!
this is a game i made up when i was bored.
what you do is you post a spoiler with a short description of yourself. for example, 5'2", blonde, blue eyes, pale skin. or, short, wavy brown hair, heart-shaped face, large grey eyes, freckles.
then, the next person submits their own desctiption in a spoiler and, without looking at the spoiler above, guesses what you look like. then they can look at the spoiler. if you want to submit a pic of how you imagined them instead of a desciption, that's fine. if you want to go more than once, change your description. maybe your first description was, "tall, brown hair, blue eyes." and your second description would be, "heart-shaped face, short hair, pale skin, long fingernails." anyway, HAVE FUN!

hip-length wavy red hair, five feet something inches, brown eyes, big feet.

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