How do you keep a dovecote clean?


I currently have 8 doves, 2 of which are only just flying. They are managing to do a huge amount of droppings around their dovecote, and I can't find any way to keep the area clean.
Does anyone have any tips?

Thank you!
Can we see a pic or a more complete description of your dovecote and tell us your general location for better advice. In my pigeon aviary I have a layer of ordinary gravel and the rain washes the poop down through it. I have about 18 birds. :)
:lau laughter is the best medicine!
Happy Solstice my friend!
That's exactly what I think. I like laughter, and making others feel joy too. That's why I do it! I have noticed that some people are not so appreciative though. I'm glad that you appreciate a good laugh! I usually have "something" to say in every forum i visit.
Happy solstice, and all through the holidays, feel joy too my friend!:hugs
Can we see a pic or a more complete description of your dovecote and tell us your general location for better advice. In my pigeon aviary I have a layer of ordinary gravel and the rain washes the poop down through it. I have about 18 birds. :)
Hello! Sorry - hectic week - I didn't see this earlier! I'll try to post an image within the next couple of days.
Is it a traditional kind of ornamental dovecote on a pole?

I had one like that. I made a plant bed in and shape of a circle around the base of the dovecote... wider than the dove house, so all their poop fell onto the soil. It looked neat and tidy, and I put edging stones around the outside and planted a small hedge around the perimeter (outside the poop fall zone).

I would dig over the soil ever week or so. The worms ate all the dove poop and it stayed looking nice. Just make sure that the soil is well drained. You might have to mix in some sand or leaves to keep it light and stop it compacting.

I also have a couple of small stepping stones to walk on to get to the dovecote.. as I fed them on a circular shelf attacked to the dovecote pole at head height 2 X a day.
I can't find any way to keep the area clean.
I line my nest boxes with the empty Nylon feed bags (folded to fit) makes my clean up easier. Poop just flakes off these bags when left out in the sun to dry. Just peels off in winter when temperatures plummet below freezing here in Canada.

Caution remove string from open end it has gotten entangled on my birds in the past.

Feed Bag.jpg
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