How Do You "mark" Your Baby Chicks To Tell Them Apart?

Crayola marker

Plethora of shades, non toxic!
as silly as it sounds i was thinking of painting their nails with nail polish, but then i started to worried it would harm them.
so, for the crayola markers you just mark right on their fuzz? i have 8 RIR and while a few have marks i can tell them part by the rest look sooo much a like.
I'm drawing a blank here... their under butttttt fuzz stays that way...right? Our adult birds and baby chicks allll have fuzzy under if I go with the food coloring option on the baby chicks...will it still be there once the adult feathers come in...?
Food dye didn't work for us because it was too dark and they are in general dark I bought plastic leg rings which work beautifully! :)
I'm going to use dog grooming bands as leg bands while they're little (come in assorted colors and sizes, super stretchy). I'll graduate to real leg bands when they're not growing like weeds.
I haven't yet... but I could just use kool aid! People use it to dye their hair so I'm sure it would work! I also like the polish idea.

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