How do you stop egg eating chicken


8 Years
May 11, 2011
I was getting quite a few eggs from my 9 BO hens and then early this spring (before snow was melted) I was getting next to zero eggs. Discovered that one of the chickens was eating the eggs (Ugh!) I tried golf balls - she pecks them but still finds the eggs too. I put her in solitary confinement (wire pen within the chicken pen) for a couple of weeks. I got more eggs (Yeh!) Did some more observing and discovered that she is the smallest of my BOs (hardly weighs a thing) and it seems she must be at the bottom of the pecking order because I don't think the others are letting her eat. I've noticed that when I come to the pen the chickens all come running looking for some sort of treat and she runs directly to the food and eats like she hasn't eaten before because the others are distracted. Any ideas - she makes me mad and I feel sorry for her all at the same time.
I would add another feeder and place it away from your first feeder. Make sure she's eating here fill at least twice a day, while you try to get this worked out. I would add a second water supply, too, even just a bowl will work, to make sure she gets enough water.
We added another feeder last week and will be adding another water tomorrow. Hopefully that helps. She was eating today, but in small snatches - she kept watching to see if she was going to be run off and a few times she did get chased away. They don't get close to her because as soon as she sees another chicken she skidattles, but at least now she has two places she can head for food. I think she is looking a little better. It helps that the snow is finally gone and they can get out of the coop and stretch a little. Thanks!
I've read to blow out eggs and fill them with mustard and after a few of those they stop. I may have to do this too. I have some newly laying hens and 2 of the eggs have been broken. I noticed one hen had some egg on her beak. Good luck!

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