How do you tell if a baby chicks is a boy or a girl?


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2018
Oxford Michigan
I am new to BYC and I am still trying to find my way around the site so I am not sure if I am doing this right or not but I just got my second clutch of 8 baby chicks. My first batch was of 6 Buff Orpington hens that 3 and they are now a year old but sadly 3 have passed away so we decided to order 8 more hens but this time different breeds. We ended up with 8 beautiful baby chicks, one of them being a Speckled Sussex names Frankie who we can't figure out the gender of. She was ordered as a girl but she is acting more anti-social then the other chicks who happily greet me and travel as a flock. Instead of that, Frankie stays away from me and the others. Another thing that is different about her is that she sounds almost like a duck in a way. Instead of chirps, she makes a mixed sound that sounds like a quack and a coo and a chirp combined. It is hard to explain but it is not the same sound as the others. Do these signs mean that she could be a rooster and if so what should I do with him?
Thanks! I am happy to be here! She will be turning a week old tomorrow but we got her last Wednesday
At around 6-8 weeks old is best to start determining gender. Roosters aren't bad if you are allowed to have them where you live. They can protect your flock. But if you aren't allowed to own roosters, you'll have to find a new home for him.
They're too young to tell right now. Super cute though! :)

Welcome to BackYard Chickens!! We are so happy you joined our community!
Ok thank you so much! I will make sure to keep an eye on her until she is older. I live in a rural community and have 3 acres so having a rooster wouldn't be too big of a problem it's just that I have them mostly for pets and I have heard roosters can become aggressive and we don't really want baby chicks. Either way thanks for the help!
:welcomeThey were vent at the hatchery most likely . Some breed's can be feather sexed at three days old is it right ? sometimes yes sometimes no . some breeds you can't feather sex .you can see the two layers of feathers .And then old timers swear by the hanging method where you hang the chick and if it stays still it's a pullet if it thrashes and fights it's a cockerel.there again does it work :idunno

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