How do you water your button quail babies????

I use the quart quail waterers and use the flattened decorative marbles all around in the trough so they can't get in. I use the marbles for all my chicks, regardless of size, to keep them out of the water, but to draw them to it, too.
For my quail i use a parakeet water tube for the first week then they graduate to a quail waterer. I just got sick of cleaning the marbles every time i refilled the water as they get nasty. The parakeet tube has a flat bottom so I just stand it in a corner of the brooder or hang it depending on which brooder I'm using. No worries about them drowning as it's such a narrow spout. They are also really cheap , I've gotten them for .79 up to about $2 . depending on where i bought it.

I hatched out my first batch of button babies and have had 4 drown in a small butter dish lid.. I figured it was shallow enough but i was wrong... Need help before someone else tries to swim.. It would be greatly apprecited! thanks;)
Have you tried the pebbles in the bottom of a jar lid?

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