How do you weigh your quail?


11 Years
Nov 13, 2012
My quail jump off the scales.... so how do the rest of you manage to weigh your quail? Any advice please? Thank you!
Don't have quails but I put a plastic dish pan on the scale with an old shirt in it, calibrate the scale. Then I wrap my girls (including head) in the shirt & put them in the dish pan. Guess it would depend on your scale too, I've got a "Mechanical Scale" that weighs up to 50#.
Thanks ChickNanny, that's an idea. I expect being wrapped keeps them calmer.

You can also use a small box or other container (I use the clear plastic boxes from peaches or other fruit or you can use a plastic tub). Use the "tare" function on your scale, then weigh the empty box. Then the scale will automatically subtract the weight of the box when you put the quail in and weigh it again. I use a Starfrit digital kitchen scale for coturnix and a smaller "herbal" scale for button quail or small chicks.
So far I've used a zip lock plastic bag, I slip them in, zip it up and weight them.They are in there such a short length of time that they have plenty of oxygen. They can still see me, but they really hate me afterwards and now panic when they see me. Not surprising! I've never covered with cloth, so I think I'll give that a go and see if they are any calmer afterwards.

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