How hard is it to breed out missing nails?


Jan 27, 2022
I have one hen that's missing a nail on the outer toe on both feet. I've kept her as an extra layer and also cause her color is a little hard to come by. If I do breed her and manage to only keep ones with nails on all feet will I keep seeing missing nails on some chicks for years to come?
Assuming I only keep pullets from that hen and breed them to better quality roosters.
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I'm not 100% sure she wasn't born with tiny nails and lost them, but I doubt it cause it's symmetrical on both legs.


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Does she have some specific, intensely-desirable characteristic that you have no other way of getting?

I'd be very leery of breeding a bird with a possible genetic defect that might go recessive in my flock and haunt me for dozens of generations.

I wholeheartedly agree
Does she have some specific, intensely-desirable characteristic that you have no other way of getting?

I'd be very leery of breeding a bird with a possible genetic defect that might go recessive in my flock and haunt me for dozens of generations.
No, she does not. I guess it's not worth it then. She's just a plain blue. My flock is only blacks with one cuckoo and a mixed color rooster. I'm trying to find a way of getting blue in there without getting another rooster. Silkie hens are rarely sold in general in my area and if they are they are very poor quality and usually black, buff, partridge or recessive white. It's also not easy finding breeders who have blues that I could buy eggs from.

I suppose the search to get blue into my flock continues. It's fine though, honestly this hen isn't of the best quality. I'll just work on the type for now with my other birds.
I could certainly be mistaken, but it seems like the outer toes are often smaller and with smaller or missing nails on birds with feathered feet. Most of my Cochins have even smaller outer toes compared to your bird and tiny or no toenail on those toes. I don't think I have any pictures handy, but can see if I can get one for you tomorrow if you'd like. My ABA standard states right beneath the point deductions for missing nails and parts of toes that feather-legged breeds are not to be penalized for, as they put it, 'a rudimentary outer toe,' so I assumed from that that it wasn't a problem for my Cochins to have feet like this.

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