How is everyone getting on this winter??


10 Years
Feb 3, 2013
This is my first winter with chickens, surprising every thing is going well.

We've only had a few days of snow here which the chickens took one look at and stayed in their coop and run until it was gone. I have been cleaning the coop daily and have hung a couple treat cage things in there to keep them occupied. I've been cleaning out the run weekly and laying down fresh hay so it doesn't get to mucky.

Two of my girls are molting so I switched to Nutrena feather fixer. Prior to this I was feeding Purina Layena, which I found was really crumbly! The Nutrena does not crumble, stays solid so less waste.

Been using my heated base for their water jug and have had no frozen water in the mornings.

Here is a picture from this morning. Snow is all melted so the girls came out for their hot oatmeal breakfast! I added raisens, wheat germ, grublies, peas and a bit of their food to make a oatmeal mash.....mmmm good....

Sounds like things are going pretty well for you and the flock this winter!

My first chickens I raised in FL. Now we're in Wyoming. Let me tell you, there's a BIG difference raising chickens between the two places :hmm

Here in WY we don't get the heat of those FL summers but the winters are a lot harsher. Messing with waterers isn't much fun right now.

But everyone is coping well and looking forward to spring!

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