How long before pecked feathers will grow back or heal?


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Salt Lake Valley
O'Malley is our only RIR in a flock of 12. And her long red tail feathers seem to be the favorite of all of the other birds. (all are about 11 weeks old)

We caught the pecking fairly early, and she's seperated now. (Although, when we let the gals out to free range, O'Malley goes with them, and there isn't any pecking problems.)

O'Malley is still missing feathers after about 10 days.

How long should we wait before the feathers grow back (or will they) and how long should we wait until we reintroduce her back to the flock full time?

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I would be interested in this info. I have a Polish 5 weeks old that was attacks by the older hen. He is missing guite a few feathers and was bleeding.

2 children,3 dogs,2 cats and 34 chickens
It is really dependent on the damage to the plumage and skin tissue. I had a couple hens who were torn by a rough rooster and other hens started picking them. We immediately separated them and covered the area with saddle so it wasn't easily seen and they showed new plumage in 2-4 weeks. Other more severe cases can take until they go through a moult cycle.
Will that come out in their first molt?

I looked real close last night, and saw a few little feathers starting. How long do I let these grow before trying to put her back with the flock?

Dry kitten chow is high is protein too and they love it. You won't see an improvement overnight, but you should see some improvement by the end of the bag.
Our flock of 25 was attacked by neighbouring dogs yesterday while they were out free was sadly killed while a few others were badly injured. One in particular who is all white and we call Mother Theresa, has a noticeable bleeding wound on her back as well as missing feathers.
I cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and covered in a thick coating of un-scented Vaseline.
The other badly injured brown chicken, Rosy, is missing most off her plumage and feathers off her back. no flesh wounds but she is limping as well and doesn't want to move around too much.
Both have been separated from the other flocks in their own large cages with their own crumb and water...
Is there more I can do to help them?
How long before feathers grow back?

Jill, 1 hubby, 5 children, 1 dachshund, 1 ginger cat, 24 chickens

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