How long can a duck survive without food?

It sounds like she is in shock. Keep her in a quiet, dark, warm but not hot area. Keep offering food and keep the water down. If you can get some vitamins in the water that would be best at this point. Nutri Drench is really good or something like save a chick.
@Miss Lydia
thank you, she is my room with the heater on, my sister got her to stand up and gave her bread crumbs in water, right now she has sugar+water in a white plastic bowl (my mum suggested water and sugar) tomorrow im going to the shops to get her save a chick, lets hope she survives another night
Article with details of syringe feeding

This shows someone actually syringe feeding a goose.

If she is taking the sugar and water, I would make some gruel (soak oats in water - the gruel is the water with oat juice in it). At this point calories are good, but a little longer term, too much sugar can also be a problem. Not to discourage you - but this is a tightrope she is on, and balance is important.

Poultry Nutri-Drench can be helpful. I am thinking unsalted fish broth could be helpful as well - it has protein, which she needs. Greens in a blender - kind of a smoothie may be good.

Prayers for you.

I cannot be near the computer most of the rest of the day - if at all possible I will check somehow, but it won't be much if at all till tomorrow.

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Article with details of syringe feeding

This shows someone actually syringe feeding a goose.

If she is taking the sugar and water, I would make some gruel (soak oats in water - the gruel is the water with oat juice in it). At this point calories are good, but a little longer term, too much sugar can also be a problem. Not to discourage you - but this is a tightrope she is on, and balance is important.

Poultry Nutri-Drench can be helpful. I am thinking unsalted fish broth could be helpful as well - it has protein, which she needs. Greens in a blender - kind of a smoothie may be good.

Prayers for you.

I cannot be near the computer most of the rest of the day - if at all possible I will check somehow, but it won't be much if at all till tomorrow.

thank you so much for helping me, i will keep you updated :) thank you so much for the information :)
My duck got attacked by my dog last year and he wouldn't eat at first either, but it only took him a day or so to start getting his appetite back. The shock has to wear off a little. Until I could get him to eat I made sure he had plenty to drink, and I also offered him small amounts of Pedialyte which really seemed to perk him up and made him more interested in food. Try some Pedialyte or another source of vitamins/electrolytes to hold her over. Good luck, I hope she is okay.
hey guys! charlie is much better, she is eating and she can walk a bit, but at times she falls over, she also has a scratch on her eye, you can see it when she looks straight at you, other than that she is all good :) im so proud of her

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