How long can eggs sit under a broody and still be edible?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Duvall, WA
We have one rooster and 5 hens. One of the hens is quite broody lately. I was sick as a dog the past couple of days so I didn't get eggs at all on Monday. So that means the broody sat on probably fertilized eggs from midday Sunday until midday Tuesday. Are the eggs still ok? How long before they develop too much to be edible?

I've noticed the yolks get weak (like they break apart as soon as I crack open the egg) sometimes, and I suspect it's when the broody had been sitting on them more than a full day. Is that true?

It depends on you. There is nothing inherently unsafe about eating developing eggs. In some societies, they are considered a delicacy. However, I personally will not use an egg where I can see development. That is just me.

I have no problem using an egg that was laid in the morning and a broody has been on it all day. There is some development but I cannot see it. I will not even bother checking an egg that has been under a broody overnight. I just toss them.

I always break an egg in a separate bowl before I use it anyway, whether a broody is around or not. I don't get many surprises but you never know.
Yeah, that's true, so your personal threshold is overnight? What if you were giving your eggs away to friends?
I'd crack them and if any surprises, feed them to the chickens (or dogs) or toss them.

Depending on the friends, I either wouldn't give them after 2-3 days or give them the above warning.

I always crack my eggs in a separate bowl. Had free ranging banties as a kid and you just never knew how old they were. If you shook them and they went "clunk" or were turning dark, we threw them out in the pasture to avoid any rotten eggs in the house.
Nah. That might be one cause of a weak yolk membrane (I don't know for sure), but it can't be the only one. I don't have a rooster or a broody hen, and still get weak yolk membranes from time to time.
That depend upon whether or not you want meat with your eggs. Collect daily if you are giving eggs to others. Some people just don't have strong stomaches.

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