How long does Priority REALLY take?

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
Hope this is the right forum..

Just wondering how long it takes everyone to mail out/receive eggs?

So far I've rec'd two batches.. one from FL and one from TX. Now.. I realize they are going a long way. But both packages were sent Priority. The first one took 8 days, the second took exactly a week. Both shippers had shipped them out on a Monday (to get here before the weekend), but that didn't work either time. First time was around Columbus day, second time was beginning of Dec. (which I realize was hazardous due to incr. mail.. but I didn't realize Columbus day was a big package-mailing time?)

Anyway, just wondering how long it usually takes for eggs to go.. say 1,000mi for all of you folks? I'm thinking I need to buy future eggs closer to home, but that cuts my choices down considerably.

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Theysay it is only to take 2 to 3 days .. But sometimes longer .This is why i ask if you ship Please send out on sat to me .This way its always here on monday . Tuseday at the latest. Ive had the overnight to me and let me tell you it took 2 days to get here ..
The P.O. guarantees nothing, in truth. They take money for services they really do not intend to provide. Now, sure, they'll take close to $30 for GUARANTEED overnight, but even then, it's hit and miss. It's better to pay the lower rate and maybe have to get a second set of eggs sent out-comes out cheaper in the end. I've had in-state take 3 days and across the country take 2. Makes no sense. Then there was the time they sent it Parcel Post from Ga to WA state when I paid for Priority. Took a solid week.
I got eggs from SC, (about 1000 miles) they were shipped out Saturday and got here Tuesday morning.

Eggs from PA (postmark was about 500 miles from here) were sent the 7th and got here the 9th.

You don't live in Lewiston do you Meghan my MIL always complains that her mail never gets to her place when it's supposed to, maybe you're
Most of the time(unless it's way far off or the P.O. is just whacky) eggs I send priority get there 3-4 days. I usually ship on Mon or Tues. I hadn't thought about shipping on Saturday. That may be a better idea. Anyone here remember getting eggs from me and how long they took?
Did you send some to me?? Oh wait that would require me to get a bator and pay for them, never mind, I guess thats why I didnt get my eggs yet.

On a serious note, DS had a adapter sent priority from Colorado and it arrived 3 days later 2000 miles, I would assume eggs not in flat box, but I would think Priority is Priority yes/no.

Gina, if you want to send a TEST pack let me know it could be the reason I need to get a bator, or the push I need to make one....
Usually between 3 and 7 days here, unless you send something internationally. My parents' Christmas presents took 3 weeks by Priority. Regular mail is just over a week there
95 % of all the eggs I have shipped have arrived at their destination in 2 to 3 days. I have had problems shipping to IL and CA. My post office is great and they told me that shipping packages on Monday or Friday is not the best day. Those are very busy days and packages sometimes get bumped and once that happens they can really get slowed down. It is a good idea to see if you can establish a good repore with your post office and they should be able to steer you right about when it is a good time to ship. I realize that is only one side of the equation but it helps if they get sent off in a timely manner.
Priority from NC, mailed out on a Monday reached my Mom's place in NE Texas on the following Monday and it was only a box of soaps and candles. However, it was right before Christmas so I'm glad the USPS was able to get it there in amidst the influx of other Christmas packages.

Anyone ever send eggs through UPS or FedEx, what about DHL?
I am an eBay seller. I ship dozens of packages every week, and I would say around half of them are shipped Priority. I would say 99.9% of them arrive in 2-3 days, but as others have said before me, the PO does not guarantee it, so when it does take longer, they'res no much you can do about it. It really sucks when Priority takes longer than what it's supposed to, especially when it is something highly perishable like eggs.

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