How Long For Medicated feed

So, the chicks I've ordered will be vaccinated. So, I need to just feed NON medicated starter feed??? Hmmm...that's interesting. Thanks!


So, the chicks I've ordered will be vaccinated. So, I need to just feed NON medicated starter feed??? Hmmm...that's interesting. Thanks!
This is an old thread, but just for clarification, Uhmm, I don't think that's correct. Your chickens will most likely only be vaccinated against Marek's. The medicated feed is to protect against cocci.
In response to the last post: I think it depends on the hatchery. Some only offer vaccinaation against Marek's and some also offer it for cocci (I think MMcM offers this.) If you're getting them from a feed store and they just state "vaccinated" you need to find out WHAT the vaccination is for.

I used to buy un-vaccinated chicks and feed 100% organic (there is no medicated organic feed.) Then I lost a chick to cocci, and the state vet told me are having a lot of Marek's in my region. Now I buy chicks vaccinated against Marek's and feed medicated non-organic feed until immunity is built up, then switch to organic grower.
I tried the un-medicated approach, we had a cocci outbreak a few months ago. By the time I caught it I lost 3. I dosed everyone's water with corid and everyone else pulled through. However my chicks were about 6 weeks old... They were hatched by a friend and she held on to them for me. She does not use medicated feed. I'm not sure if its because I had older hens in the coop already or what happened. But I feed through one bag now (size depending on # of chicks).
I called purina and they said it was ok to keep them on it the 18weeks. I just didn't want any of that stuff in them at egg time.
Purina says that it will not harm humans , and it does not get in the egg. Why should I not believe them if I believe what the FDA says lol.
So I will use it up on them. Wonder if those 2 little chicks will finish the 50lb. bag. I will stop using it at about 18 weeks and then
switch them to layena. Two of my 1 year olds started lating at 16 weeks and the other at 18. Thats if the feed store guy didn't lie about there age.
Maybe the feed store guy did not know or it was all his boss stocked?Everybody makes mistakes.

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