How long to age a turkey?

I'd give them 24 hours before you freeze them, and 48 if your going to cook directly. If they were heritage breed so older than the 20 weeks the meat ones are done you might want to go a day longer.
I quick cool my birds right after slaughter in water, half ice, half water. You don't want too much ice as the bird will actually begin to freeze. You really need to cool the internal temp of the turkey down to at least 40F. I then drain the bird, pat it down with a paper towel and bag it. The birds (depending on how many I have) will go in the fridge (1 or 2), in coolers (several), or if I have a lot of birds I bag them and set them on a table in the garage, mind you when I do this the temp is usually less than 40F, but above freezing.

After the initial cool down I don't keep them in water.
Even if you are freezing the birds let them age 3 days.

My Thanksgiving turkeys I always age 5 days. It is the best bird you'll ever eat.

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