How many duck eggs did you EAT today?

Growing up in NJ on a river, we had wild ducks (Mallards) and geese (don’t know the variety) and another bird that looked like a cross between those two. We called them “Gucks”, because we were kids and dumb. I now know they were Muscovy, and have informed my sister as well 🙂
Never stop learning kids!
I was looking up Magpie Ducks earlier today, and came across an image that WAS a ‘pied bird, but most certainly not a duck.
I just found it’s a Magpie Goose! I’d no idea they existed. Yes, there’s always more to learn :)
:sick Muscovy duck eggs taste gross. Maybe it's just mine, though? My husband seems to like them, and I use them when I bake. One duck egg and two duck yolks went into my kolaches today!
I never had a Muscovy egg, but: I have tasted Chicken, Duck, Geese, Bantam-Chicken, Turkey, Ostrich and Alligator eggs and - they all tasted very similar, yes even the 'gator-eggs, served as scrambled eggs you would have eaten as chicken eggs without a doubt.
However: I remember mom buying the first supermarket chicken-eggs in the early 70's and they smelled and tasted like a can of sardines; Turned out the chickens had been fed a cheap fish-meal only "diet".
So if the Muscovy egg you tried tasted weird, check out what the birds are actually eating. There may be some plants in your area that add a fowl taste to the eggs.

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