How many duck eggs did you get today?

I grabbed 2 and immediately my ducks started quacking at me, Seriously? "If you do not want me picking it up do not put them on the FLOOR!" I yelled at them and they immediately loudly quacked at me and bit my toes, I couldn't believe I was just intimidated by my two ducks. Normally they are not like this but I guess this is how it will be from now on.
4 so girls could care less about their eggs once they are laying in the coop on on the ground that is all but my Muscovy they have always been okay I laid an egg must hatch it!! Now at almost 13 years they maybe done except yesterday when I went in to clean there was only one laying on the floor ( Muscovy) so I kind of freaked out thinking oh no where’s Joy never even dawned on me to look straight ahead where the chicken nest boxes are and there stood Joy looking at me like what’s the problem :rolleyes:
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