How many duck eggs did you get today?

As we have seen before - complaining in the forum works! Immediately after I mentioned the sudden drop to 3, the very next day we got 4 and now we're back to the regular 5.

If one can be a duck whisperer, am I the duck Karen?
Congrats. Now what do the ladies think of Mr. Handsome drake ? Have they had a meet and greet yet?
We suddenly have 5 instead of 6 eggs daily. I think it's because of a sad love situation. One hen is stressed out because the drake keeps chasing her even when she's not returning the interest. She complains loudly and runs away, even when he's got her by the neck she manages to flee. He's not picky and will totally socialize with others who are more inclined to return his affections but for this one it just doesn't work out.
Well, that unfortunate duck became the drake's favorite, attracting unwanted attention.
What might help is to dominate your drake: You grab him by his neck with one hand and push him down to the ground with your other hand, like a more powerful drake would with him to impose dominance. It helped here to slow down some of my over-hormonal drakes in the past.
10 eggs this morning... no wait looking around about 1400 hrs found two more outside the coop. Guess letting them out at 0700 hrs is too early, I think they are getting ready to lay later as spring rolls in.
Got 30 in one incubator and they all are moving around, 3 days till lock down.
I won't let mine out until two hours after sun-rise for that very exact reason.
I wasn't suggesting you eat it. :sick
I was wondering if maybe a lash egg?
I never wanted to take a bite out of it, i just meant to say yesterday that i was already not feeling well and further examining that "potato" could have caused my stomach to return everything i had eaten during the last 24 hours…

But you asked for it @Miss Lydia, so here are two disgusting pictures:
Looks to me like a dried out yolk. I hope that is just a mishap from one of last year's ducks and not a sign that one of them has a serious problem.

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