How many duck eggs did you get today?

1 laying as of this morning, but she’s the one recouping from a coyote attack. Time for her to take a break and those other two layabouts pick up some slack! (Sigh, if only it were that fair).

My quackers tend to start up for the season in late Dec/ early Jan. My layer right now brooded the first clutch of the year, so she’s had her time off and started laying again probably about a month ago. My Rouen started setting in Jul, but abandoned it and molted a couple months ago, so she may resume any time, or wait to midwinter. My other Cayuga has been through her brood and molt as well, so same for her.

The chooks are keeping a steady pace- leghorn, comet and black star all still churning out daily. The Sussex, Wyandotte, and Easter egger/Australorpe take turns rounding out the average 5 a day. Mama Easter Egger and my PBR are done for the season, I think.
Zero! It’s been many weeks since I saw a proper egg. Maybe 2 weeks ago, someone made an attempt and passed a soft-shelled egg, and there was one day that I had to give Daphne her “emergency calcium”. However, that’s it!

My two Rouens just finished molting, and my Muscovies are mid-molt.

I’m just happy that Daphne made it through another laying season! (Jinx)

Now, it’s time for them to rest, grow new feathers, and stay warm.
Remind me what duck eggs look like. lol It has been months.
When your ducks start laying again, all your eggs should look like this :D
Luroy the Ostrich.jpg

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