How many duck eggs did you get today?

7 eggs today - 7 good hard-shelled ones for the first time (no more softies lately)..

A while ago I was thinking out loud whether the very strong pellets (20%+ protein) might be over-stimulating our ducks and thus the softies. So despite it being summer I "watered down" the pellets with various grains that I have available (barley, oats, buckwheat, they love it all). In the morning they get a 50:50 of pellets and grains and in the evening they get just straight pellets. The result is... our new high score above :)
3 the crew is melting except for the runner hen. The dragon duck has a fetish for only blue eggs and collects runner eggs to sit on every morning. If I tried to get them I'd probably lose a hand.
Was melting a typo for molting or did you mean it? It was about 106 when we passed within a few miles of you coming back from Cypress.
3 eggs and 112 degrees. However, the wind is howling and the sky’s are dark. Maybe going to get the first rain since May.
Sure hope ya'll get some rain and cooler temps too. I heard there was some weather building in the gulf. @Texag87 what part of Texas are ya'll in? North, south, east, or west?

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