How many duck eggs did you get today?

I've 14 this last week from 3 young 'scovies, 5mo 3 weeks now. Plus, for the South, we've had real winter lately, 11f & then 5f last nite. Luckily, I was able to trick 'em into their pen at sunset. After their 11f nite sleeping on the pond, they looked poorly with Moby Duck shivering & ice frozen around her neck feathering. They looked better having spent last nite in the pen in their doghouse tucked amongst some straw bales. There was also a battery powered 18watt water heater in their doghouse, kept their water around 55f and hopefully provided a smidge of warmth. Thankfully they survived :) hopefully this will drive 'em to sleep in their pen. Their entire pond is frozen over this am.

Gotta say, of the 3 auto doors we use, only the Ador2 turkey door opened after the sleet/rain freeze.

So far, our neighbors have been curious about the duck eggs and have only tossed the 1 soft egg laid on the pond bank. The other 13 were laid in their pen in straw. Read that 'scovies would only lay 60 egg a year; looks it could be 2-3X's that. Stay warm.
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