How many duck eggs did you get today?

I had to buy new meal-worms for Blanca Duck today and stopped by at a 💲🌳 to buy some of their fabulous, universally usable white dish-bins, when i saw these cute collapsible baskets:

I showed the black one to the dux and told them that i expect to see this basket full of eggs by the end of the month. They just laughed at me… 😳
Well, the dux and BYC were laughing at me yesterday, but look:
It is not looking so unlikely that the black basket will be full by the end of the month. Four eggs today.
9 plus one goose egg, is it crazy I am trying to hatch every single goose egg that comes out? I'm collecting them and after 7 days I put however many I got into the incubator.
I'm thinking, there is a Andrew Jackson saved for each one that hatches as they aren't cheap birds, seriously $20 a bird for straight run, don't try buying them sexed at $30 plus.
101 eggs as of 2/18/2024. That's 3 a day from my 3 'Scovy ducks. They started laying in early Jan. at 5 mo. 2 weeks. In 10 days or so they all 3 laid an egg a day. Luckily, they nest within their pen/open air coop and free range during the day. They are easy going, and only curious as they watch their eggs get collected.

I hope Ms Lydia is right and they go broody and pause egg laying.

I see "SelfSufficientMe" ducks are cranking out the eggs as well.
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