How many duck eggs did you get today?

Once again 14 eggs from the dux and none for the crows.
I need to clean out the dux-house asap, with the warmer weather the decomposition of the bedding has accelerated and there's a slight ammonia aroma in the air. Not that the dux would mind, they lay the eggs in the most rotten, dirtiest and stinky bedding…
Once again 14 eggs from the dux and none for the crows.
I need to clean out the dux-house asap, with the warmer weather the decomposition of the bedding has accelerated and there's a slight ammonia aroma in the air. Not that the dux would mind, they lay the eggs in the most rotten, dirtiest and stinky bedding…
I stand corrected by Greenbill Duck: While working on the new fence for the small orchard aka. drake-ghetto i observed Greeny collapsing while running up the hill to the vegetables garden. Concerned about her well-being i rushed towards her and caught the egg she had just laid before it rolled downhill...
So 15 eggs today.
2 eggs ☺️
One from my Golden 300 or khaki and one from my Rouen. They were also the cleanest I’ve gotten so far!
-0- for the past week. My 3 hens gave up sitting on their nests. They are out on the pond doing silly stuff again and have returned to their old social manners. What the heck? Anyway, I'm dropping off this thread until one of 'em starts laying again. Good golly gosh, what I've learned about ducks laying eggs!

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