How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Rhoise-that explains your name nicely. I was also born in Kingston, but Kingston, NY!
5 eggs yesterday...a slow day and 7 today!
We have 6 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Tetra Tints, and 1 Barred Rock. We are planning on adding on at least 6 more in the spring but we are undecided about which breed. We like brown egg layers, so I'm considering one or two more Barred Rocks and some australorps....anyone have suggestions. We definitely are looking for good layers and good disposition , friendly birds a must!
Yes just 3.
17 of laying age and only 3 eggs.
Still coming out of molt. It is winter, the days are short and they are mad at me for leaving them in the run more.
I keep looking for the completed time of requests but have not found any in the memo box.
Rhoise-that explains your name nicely. I was also born in Kingston, but Kingston, NY!
5 eggs yesterday...a slow day and 7 today!
We have 6 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Tetra Tints, and 1 Barred Rock. We are planning on adding on at least 6 more in the spring but we are undecided about which breed. We like brown egg layers, so I'm considering one or two more Barred Rocks and some australorps....anyone have suggestions. We definitely are looking for good layers and good disposition , friendly birds a must!
Ha! cool! been to Kingston,MA but not NY...
Our chickens are: a Rhode Island red, an Australorp, and a chicken that is supposed to be a Plymouth Rock. Her name is Henrietta. We think she has something else in her. Maybe Araucana? I live in australia.

Oh please do post pictures of your Australorp over in the
There is an Australian gentleman named Geoff who has been informing us what the breed is SUPPOSED to look like.

Oh, never mind, I saw when I read the latest posts after getting the link that you already did


Got FIVE eggs today. 3 before 1 PM and 2 between 1 & 4:45. ALL in the nest box :) I put the plastic egg in this afternoon anyway.
2 Ancona, one Large the other a bit smaller (those girls are doing Yeoman's work!)
1 Australorp, Echo seems to be on an every other day schedule
1 Cubalaya
1 "Not sure, maybe Chantecler, maybe Faverolle" I'll need to be there when that type egg is laid to see who sings. It won't be the "fat lady". The biggest 3 girls are the EEs and one of the Australorps and this egg is a medium light brown. Too light for an Australorp and too NOT blue/green for an EE.

but we are undecided about which breed. We like brown egg layers, so I'm considering one or two more Barred Rocks and some australorps....anyone have suggestions. We definitely are looking for good layers and good disposition , friendly birds a must!

As I just posted, Echo the Australorp has been pretty reliable since starting on Monday. They are supposed to be very good layers.
The Anconas have been pushing them out quite well and they are working their way up to Large. White eggs, but don't write them off. There was a book written in 1915 about Anconas (can be found on Google books and was referenced in the Ancona thread). He made a couple of points up front (I've not gotten to far in the book yet). One was that (at least at the time) they were the most efficient at converting food into eggs, hence CHEAPER eggs to produce and more profit. The other really interesting point was that one should raise them because WHITE eggs brought a premium of several cents/dozen over brown. I don't know what a dozen eggs cost in 1915 but I have to believe several cents was quite a substantial percent increase over the lowly brown eggs. What a century can do! An egg is an egg, doesn't matter if it is white, brown, green or blue and now people have this false notion that brown eggs are better for you so they cost more.

I went with a mixed flock for the diversity of interesting shapes and colors, ability to tell them apart
and hopefully the ability to know which are laying and which are not since their eggs should not all be the same color, not even the brown layers.

All my breeds are listed in my signature. I'm not sure if by "friendly" you mean want to be held or just not aggressive to people. NONE of my birds WANT to be held. We didn't fondle them too much as babies. They are not pets even though they will never be eaten even once they stop laying. I do talk to them but you won't find them coming into the house to visit. And NONE are aggressive to people. They do like to come see what I am doing, very inquisitive. And of course they are VERY FRIENDLY when someone brings treats. Gee, what a shock!


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