How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

7 Hens, 5 Laying, 3 eggs today. (green, brown, and white)

I am expecting 3 again tomorrow (blue, grey, and green). Unless one of the two that aren't laying decides to get off their big, fluffy, feathered backside and start earning their keep. Two of the hens that laid today (brown and white), laid after 3pm, which means the sun will be down before they are ready to lay tomorrow... meaning, I won't see an egg out of either of those two tomorrow... The hen who laid this morning at 9:30 (green), should have another one for me around 3pm, and the two that took today off because the sun will set on them before they are ready to lay again (blue and grey) should be in those nests first thing tomorrow morning.
5 again today. And apparently BOTH Faverolles are taking turns being broody!

If you want eggs then get yourself some Golden Comets or Black Sex Links. Sometimes you'll see the GC's called Red Stars or Red Sex Links. But both the GC's we had up until early this year and the BSL's are great, great layers. Lots of large brown eggs and they're not broody. I don't know what they'd be like if there was a rooster. I want one but my Wife says 'No'. Apparently she was attacked by a roo when she was a little girl. Anyways, we got both from the same company up in Clairmont, NC which is nearby for $6.50 each when they were 15 weeks old.

And the Italian Honey Bees do work for a little wine and cheese that I buy at Aldi's. Not like those Russian Honey Bees who only want to drink you under the table. I can't afford to buy that much vodka... The good thing about the Italians is they're pretty laid back. You go to harvest their honey and they say 'Go ahead. Just leave a little for us, mon ami. Chao!!!'

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