How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I'm a few days behind:
4/12 (It's EXTREMELY hot today though

Here's roughly 2 months of laying history for my flock.

From left to right, the columns represented are:

Date / age in weeks / Brown Leghorn / SLW 1 / SLW 2 / EE 1 / EE 2 / EE 3 / EE 4 / Daily count / Weekly count
The numbers below the colored cells are the weekly totals per hen

The colors represent the color of the egg with the exception being for the yellow column as leghorns lay white eggs)

I have been averaging about 30-36 eggs a week from my 7 hens this summer. In the Spring, they peaked at 42 eggs.
My leghorn consistently lays 5-6 eggs per week. The Wyandottes are laying 4-6 eggs per week, and the EEs are laying 3-5 eggs per week.

Egg weights are hovering right around the 60g mark, though EE4 lays 65g-70g

Of special note... 2 of my EEs (EE 1, EE 4) have been molting all summer long. EE 4 is also lowest on the pecking order, so between the feather picking and the molting, she hasn't had many feathers on her neck let alone a beard, but she still lays a decent amount of those enormous sized eggs. I also think my other EEs and at least one of my wyandottes are showing signs that they are about to molt as well... One of my Wyandottes dropped a tail feather yesterday...

Since August is almost upon us, I will be transitioning to game bird feed here pretty quick. I am hoping the extra protein helps them through their first fall molt, especially the EEs.
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