How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Any tips on getting my pullets to start using the nest boxes? I'm in N FL so I have an open coop built around an older 4x8x3 coop that was on the property. They didn't want to go in there so I got 2 outside boxes but they ignore those as well and lay all over the place on the ground. All boxes are lower than the roosts and all have fake eggs in them.

Maybe cooped them up for a day or 2?

Day 5 in the life of my babies. All seems well on that front and momma has steadfastly hung tight on the other 2 eggs. They should hatch tomorrow. Or Friday so here's hopeing. :fl

Got a solid 6/6/7+2 littles. So I'm doing good.

I got a closer look at the babies and I'm thinking I've got 1 of each. Cock and a pullet chick. Just from looking. I'm no expert so I guess I'll wait until I hear a crow or egg lol.
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I have 24 brown layers that are going 2 seasons old. We are averaging only 12 to 13 eggs per day. We free range & feed heathy feed. My questions, is this normal or should they be laying more?
I have 24 brown layers that are going 2 seasons old. We are averaging only 12 to 13 eggs per day. We free range & feed heathy feed. My questions, is this normal or should they be laying more?

I don't know what brand of brown layers that you own but this time of the year your production is totally unacceptable. Make sure that your hens haven't hidden or stolen a nest or two away from hungry human eyes. I would also like to see the guaranteed feed analysis that by Federal law comes on each and every sack of chicken feed.

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