How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6/8+ Scout + 14 Littles + 8Tinys + Attilla the Hen (Agatha gets really, really GROUCHY when she's broody.) We lost a EE roo today, one of the Littles. Don't know for sure what happened, but he looked like he'd gotten trapped between a nest box and the wall and broke his neck trying to get out. Wish I'd gone out to the coop to work earlier. He must have been frantic - poor little Beluga.

6/8+ Scout + 14 Littles + 8Tinys + Attilla the Hen (Agatha gets really, really GROUCHY when she's broody.) We lost a EE roo today, one of the Littles. Don't know for sure what happened, but he looked like he'd gotten trapped between a nest box and the wall and broke his neck trying to get out. Wish I'd gone out to the coop to work earlier. He must have been frantic - poor little Beluga.
Poor little guy... :hit Sorry she's a cutie btw. I've been wringing my hands trying to figure out if 2 of my 18 set eggs are blood ringed or not. I see something but it does not go all the way around and might just be a really clear vein.

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