How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My Black Australorp rooster attacked me a few times over the last few weeks. I gave him some space for a while, but when I was in the coop the other day he attacked again.
I picked him up and carried him around the yard backwards tucked under my arm with his head angled down. He calmed down immediately after I had him firmly.
After about 15 minutes I brought him back in and he started getting fidgety so I firmed my hold on him and put him down on the floor, but still held him down. Each time he tried to move I would firm up my hold on him, then slowly relax my grip. I finally was able to just hold my hand on his back without him moving. I then let him go and he calmly stood and walked away.
He now still shadows me along the run fence, but if I approach the run he backs up.
We'll see how long that lasts.

Having said that, I live alone, so no little ones to be concerned about. If I had children around and couldn't keep them separated, he'd be gone in a heartbeat.

Oh and :

First time chicken owner. Six hens, 26 weeks old. Just got my first egg on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday I found 2 eggs. And today there were THREE!!!! I'm so excited. It's like Christmas every day.
Okay now I did not get but one..but hey its the first egg one of the ladies hatched and its a nice perfect brown egg...there r 16 ladies so one of them is my star...gonna have to take a peak tonight see if another one of my girls leaves me a gift
That is always a hard call to make... My rooster is facing the culling squad as well for the same thing but he attacked me AND my kids... My oldest is 7 youngest just turned 5.... Drew blood on my baby. Layer his little knee open with those evil nails... I'm just waiting for my chicks to grow so I can replace him... Until then my own kids can't go out there... You did the right thing... Once again. Sorry that happened...


This is exactly why I won't have Roos. I know they have their benefits and many are docile and sweet, but I don't want to be caught in the position you found yourselves in: between a rock and a hard spot. I'm at that point in my life where I can say "I don't want to, I don't have to, and I'm not going to" (with the exception of work, but that ball and chain will be gone, soon). God bless you for doing what needed to be done and not letting your feelings rule. You may miss him, but you'll always know you did the right thing.
First time chicken owner.  Six hens, 26 weeks old.  Just got my first egg on Wednesday.  Thursday and Friday I found 2 eggs.   And today there were THREE!!!!  I'm so excited.  It's like Christmas every day.  :)

The cool thing is that the excitement never fully wears off. I love to go down to see how many eggs the girls left for me each day. :weee
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:love awwwww... My newest are a day and a half old... 2 were stuck in the shells after they zipped so I'm watching them closely. The one that had most of its body stuck, aka Shelly by my daughter, could only kick it's legs and breath... I thought I had lost her for sure..... She got a warm bath using an eye dropper and q-tips yesterday after she was freed from the shell and now she looks so much better... Still has some gunk on her but I'll remove it in waves... Don't want to get her cold.

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