How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Your lucky..... I get anywhere from 0 to 2 right now from my 12 laying hens and 10 5-6 month old pullets.

Just kidding... Don't you hate molting season??????? I hope your rate of egg laying goes up soon!

Only a couple are molting.
Up until a couple of weeks ago I had 27 hens/pullets (made a trade with a neighbor) and NEVER got more than 19 eggs (usually 15-17).
That just can't be right.
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If the membrane was busted I'd just cook it for my chickens. If not, then I'd cook it and eat it immediately or feed it to the chickens. My chickens really enjoy the egg treats every now and then though, so I usually just offer to them for a "defective" or "damaged" egg. I am getting plenty otherwise that I'm not hurting for eggs. :)
Only a couple are molting.
Up until a couple of weeks ago I had 27 hens/pullets (made a trade with a neighbor) and NEVER got more than 19 eggs (usually 15-17).
That just can't be right.
aww I'm sorry about your lousy egg production. I hope it goes up real soon!

3 so far. day 3 of ghost not laying. If she hasn't laid by tomorrow we're going to have to catch and check her just to make sure she's fine. It could just be the weather, but I rather check just in case.
My 3 Black Star hens are now 25 weeks old. They started laying about 4 weeks ago. At first two of them would lay and the other the following day. For the past week they are all consistently laying one egg a day!
9 eggs today. Actually got 2 from the unlighted coop!
Had the 5 week old chicks out in the garden today. They seemed to enjoy it. I was surprised to see how much bigger the 2 Asian Blues & the 1 Black Astrolorp are compared to the backyard mix Rhode Island rooster crossed with either a RIR or a Black Sex link. The barnyard mix is actually a week older than the others but is about half the size of the others!

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