How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


I have been away for a wile so before I went to the Veterans Hospital I let all the birds loose and they were running in the yard free and there are nest everywhere and it is to much work for everyone that put in their time feeding and watering so I thank them all ..

4 fresh eggs found to day .

I have a nest with 5 hens trying to all sit on the nest and I am happy none of them passed from heat

I found several hens in the brush that did not make the heat

Temp for the day 124F degrees and I almost went back to the Hospital but several ladys helped me out today and I think one of them wants to live in one of the old houses I use for storage but everything works in the place full kitchen and bath works but I will have to block the fire place as it has not been checked out ....... Oh she is only a child of 28 or 29 years ...

I wish you all a cool summer
Can chooks lay more than one egg a day?? This morning there were 7 (from 7) in the nesting boxes, then one of the girls laid a sneaky egg in the calf shed, and I found one in that same spot that I suppose she may have laid there yesterday. Not 100% sure. So, today I actually collected NINE eggs. So I'm thinking that maybe one of them laid one later in the day yesterday (in the nesting box). I got 6/7 yesterday morning. Or if I count the one in the calf shed that makes 7/7. Confused

I have been away for a wile so before I went to the Veterans Hospital I let all the birds loose and they were running in the yard free and there are nest everywhere and it is to much work for everyone that put in their time feeding and watering so I thank them all ..

4 fresh eggs found to day .

I have a nest with 5 hens trying to all sit on the nest and I am happy none of them passed from heat :hugs

I found several hens in the brush that did not make the heat :hit :hit :hit

Temp for the day 124F degrees and I almost went back to the Hospital but several ladys helped me out today and I think one of them wants to live in one of the old houses I use for storage but everything works in the place full kitchen and bath works but I will have to block the fire place as it has not been checked out .......  Oh she is only a child of 28 or 29 years ...

I wish you all a cool summer :clap

Sorry to hear you have been at the VA hospital, hope you are ok. Also sorry you lost some hens due to the heat. Pray you get some relief soon.

I have been away for a wile so before I went to the Veterans Hospital I let all the birds loose and they were running in the yard free and there are nest everywhere and it is to much work for everyone that put in their time feeding and watering so I thank them all ..

4 fresh eggs found to day .

I have a nest with 5 hens trying to all sit on the nest and I am happy none of them passed from heat

I found several hens in the brush that did not make the heat

Temp for the day 124F degrees and I almost went back to the Hospital but several ladys helped me out today and I think one of them wants to live in one of the old houses I use for storage but everything works in the place full kitchen and bath works but I will have to block the fire place as it has not been checked out ....... Oh she is only a child of 28 or 29 years ...

I wish you all a cool summer
15 eggs on Thursday. Wednesday night I almost lost my Black Penedesenca Rooster. I was up late working at the kitchen table. I heard some noise outside, at the same time my daughter came up from the basement to tell me to go check on the chickens. I let the dog out while I put on my boots. When I got outside, whatever it was (probably a raccoon) was gone. The rooster had a bloody comb and was missing some tail feathers, but otherwise he was fine. I put him in the coop & shut the door. He hadn't been going in at night b/c of the broody hen & her chicks, but I insisted! The raccoon or whatever it was, had tried to get him through the wire of the enclosed run. He was roosting but his tail feathers were close enough to the wire to grab.

Gander, I'm glad to see you're back! That young lady might be just what you need at your place, especially if she will help you with the outside chores in the summer heat! Do you think you are going to let her move into the extra house?
My girls have been slacking. Does the heat play a big part in it? We've been between 90 and 100 every day for a few weeks. I'm lucky to get 5 or 6 eggs out of my 15 girls.
So far the count is 1/6.... Just added four newbies into the coop so now I have a count of ten.... The thing is the other chicken seems to be picking in the smaller chook so I locked her away atm and will let her out within the next few hours just so the others settle down

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