How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


0 eggs

I guess the ladys are just getting use to the cooler weather

Temp the low 90's all day with some good winds .
We've had some like that. My husband tends to crush them when he collects eggs for me whenever I'm out of town. I'm glad to see that your temps are cooling off. How many hens do you have now?

I got 9 eggs today.

Wow your lady's are doing a great job

I use the soft shelled eggs when I cook up their feed as the ladys seem to survive longer in the extreme heat when their food is boiled up and survived dry but still cooked and like a dry mush . I know it is a bit of work but it gets me off the couch but I don't think I would ever have a flock by the end of the year If I did not cook their feed .
My girls have been stepping up a bit. I have been getting 9-10 most days with one day of 3. Both girls in the tractor are back to laying after hatching chicks but not as often as they had been.
During full molt, we were getting 7/9.
The Chantecler 's have not started laying yet.
Back to 9/9, but During our really cold winters, I change up the routine a little.

Heated water
LED rope lights in coop fromm 4am - 4pm
Deep litter bedding
Coop allows 10 sq ft/hen, no free range once snow is on the ground
Attached yard is closed in with 6mil plastic on bottom 5 feet, to cut ground wind.
Yard roof peaks are left open for air circulation
Feed corn and skim milk once per day
Free choice double duty limestone grit
Free choice 20% protein turkey grower(5% more protein, and 5% more fat for during winter) Means more feathers and energy for the birds.
Pick eggs at 7 and 9 am...
Check birds at 2pm and 5pm

Shut the building in bad weather
Manitoba winters can be managed
8 of 11 today.

Question about blood on the shells. I have 1 girl and EE that's regularly lays with blood on the shell. Most times its a smudge today's was nearly covered. Thing is I'm not sure which girl, I have an idea of who but there are 4 of the 5 EE that it could be. 2v are 7 months and 2 are 6 months. The egg is still just under small on the scale and has not changed much if any in shape and size since her first lay. The reason I think I know which one it is, is i started finding them when the last one started laying.

Anyways so I watched the flock for a while and didn't see anything out of the ordinary, nothing to make me suspect an issue or separate a girl for care. We went out tonight to check thier vents and I saw nothing out of the ordinary on any of the 4 other then 1 has poopy feathers. No injuries or prolapse or anything.

I know some blood can be normal,but I worry because the eggs are still so small this might be the start of a future problem for her. Other then trying to catch them in the nests there isn't much I can do to confirm who it might be.

It's this something I should even bother worrying about? Or do I just need to take a wait and see approach?

Sorry I didn't think about taking a picture till after I rinsed it off. But it was that much, I never rinse my eggs till use unless it's a lot of poop this was almost fully covered in blood.

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