How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I collected 7 eggs, put the egg carton on the counter and went back outside to do something. When I came back in the egg carton was on the floor and all of the eggs were broken! Darn dog, it had to be here because both cats were outside with me. I gathered up the egg carton and eggs and tossed the eggs out to the chickens. I think the dog managed to eat 1 before I came inside.
Problem is I could see moose my lab doing it so easy...
I am sorry
18 chicken eggs
1 guinea egg
And I saw her lay the egg so I know it's the royal purple guinea!

It's going to fall into the incubator tonight.
I have 11 hens in one coop and get 3-8 eggs a day. 3 are pullets hatched in the Easter hatch-a-long. Just gave a friend 5 hens and 2 roos, she had 5 hens already. On a good note, I think my Easter hatch silkie hen is laying!! Had one egg in her coop and it didn't look like what I am used to seeing in there. Of course it was the ONLY egg. 3 hens and 4 pullets in that coop.
9 eggs today. However, I only got 1 egg from the EE coop, most of them are in a heavy molt. I keep checking daily to be sure all those feathers are from molting chickens, not attacked chickens! LOL.

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