How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6 eggs out of 7 hens plus 1 duck egg from my only duck

Here's all the eggs I have in the fridge at the moment

The white eggs are only duck eggs


hush. My laying hens are in molt
hopefully coming out and only 1 new layer.
The store bought egg DID bounce. Survived 2 throws.
But it was cracked and broke easily for the girls.

I don't think I'll have an actual egg count until everyone is shut in for winter.
I'm finding eggs everywhere. Hubby says there are eggs in the cattle pens.

Expanding to another building that's about 4 times the size of the current coop.

13 eggs in the nest boxes

3 eggs found and one was brown on each end with white in the middle and it was an XXL egg wow do I need to find out the hen who produced that egg .

Temp 87 F degrees with light winds, I had to find my jacket when I went to the store as it was so cold

I haven't had any of my ladys go in to molt yet but then again every summer my girls do tend to pull their own feathers off them selves as it gets so hot and it normally starts after the 115F degree mark in June so if I even had some in molt I would not be able to tell .

I have three active coops right now and each one has lighting but the new one I was working on last winter before it got too hot hasn't any light yet but I do not have doors on it either as I had to stop when it got way to hot and I was forced to stop but I should have it up and running I hope by next month .
Another 1 today
I wasn't expecting her to lay again right away, so it was a nice surprise.

I think she liked the mealworm treats yesterday
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Put a new tarp on the coop halfway it is 11 ml pulled up to cover all
keeping them dry huge fix rewarded today with 9 already of 18 + 2 as
they get a bit bigger I will move them to the main coop with big girls
but protected by a crate the big girls know
5 of 11 for the last 3 days. I'm pretty sure 3 of the 5 older have stopped laying for molt/winter. And the 4 EE of the younger have all slowed down.

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