How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Counted yesterday...
FIFTEEN!! this is a new record high for our girls♡
only one laying girl missed:/
10 eggs Friday.
Fxing record keeps up. Already sold 2dozen eggs for Monday (put them in cartons and aside so we don't forget or double sell them)
Counted yesterday...
FIFTEEN!! this is a new record high for our girls♡
only one laying girl missed:/
10 eggs Friday.
Fxing record keeps up. Already sold 2dozen eggs for Monday (put them in cartons and aside so we don't forget or double sell them)
Yes, isn't it great, people want your fresh eggs. What a joy.
Another winter looking day, mostly cloudy, dark and dreary. 5/5 today. GC
yes, very much a joy. Finally a sunny day but run is drenched and hawks are nearby girls not wanting outside. Hoping tomorrow.

Talking about drenched run, I think am going to run to Lowes to grab some more clear corrugated roofing to roof the rest of our run. I specifically left the extension run(10x12) roofless thinking grass will grow and be great left natural. It's natural alright, naturally muddy and my hens keep on tracking them in to the covered run and coop, therefore muddy chicken legs & muddy eggs.
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20/18 so far, love sunny cool days
. Four more chickens laid eggs after 4 pm, huh, some molters decided to contribute to my breakfast plate since most eggs are pre-sold already. 99 eggs total last week
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Talking about drenched run, I think am going to run to Lowes to grab some more clear corrugated roofing to roof the rest of our run. I specifically left the extension run(10x12) roofless thinking grass will grow and be great left natural. It's natural alright, naturally muddy and my hens keep on tracking them in to the covered run and coop, therefore muddy chicken legs & muddy eggs.
lmbo!! Ya know it. It's awful. Hubby is planning roofing the run as well for protection and run rain proofing. Covering the run is tad more difficult than planned of course.

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