How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday 4 whopping eggs of the 18 possible layers (still 8 not laying)!! Today run is a mud bath so inside fun for them:/ my dad won't come aND redo run since it's so muddy either
My dad has 11 EE pullets, about 30 weeks old, and gets about 8 eggs per day. I've had a few over the years, they've never been good layers, a couple each week if I was lucky.

The 4 pullets did great well they were laying, they averaged almost half my eggs a day for 11 chickens for a few weeks. But they seem to be more particular about the weather and such then the other chickens

our 3 EE were biggest butt heads till they started laying, then got tons more friendly and we stopped regretting having them. None of them laid since the 21st though and they are refusing pats again :< I heard Aracauna are much better. We need more colored layers next time.

Mine are nice, but I don't try to pet them much. They just don't lay very consistently
Mine run to me but really do not want pets either I think maybe if we reach a certain age
they are a means to end they do a job and we do. I do not name either mostly
because they chickens only reason the cockerel gets a name he is the only one
I keep a white light during the winter my girls all keep laying at least
the 12 to 14 of them I still think James counted before the 3 cockerel left leaving
just one
that's good numbers:) our numbers are WAAAY down (only one so far today). we're putting in a white light rope this weekend. Hopefully that will help. Today is full of sun bathing for the girls. Lol
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