How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Quote: Is it possible that the wet was a no shell egg? I've had the odd one of those and they show up as just wet in the nest if they broke it with their nails. I'm always glad that I've been wearing vinyl gloves when I've accidentally put my hand in

As for breaking the shell when they're getting in and out of the nest...I'm sure it's possible. I've seen scratches on our eggs when they've been jostling around in the nest box and I always get a kick how they can scratch the paint job and I can see a different color underneath. If they open up an egg, they're going to eat it.

And that's where I come in doing the complete opposite of everyone else. I feed my girls raw eggs on a continual basis. They get the dirtier eggs and any older eggs. I break them on top of their grain. Right now they've got about 8-10 dozen to eat through. I wasn't prepared for the sudden increase of I find mine ignore intact eggs wherever they're laid. I dropped an egg on the ice outside their building the other morning and they came running up. Once they saw it didn't break they turned around and ran

I know the idea is that if a person feeds raw eggs to their chickens, they become egg eaters and will break into egg on their own. Mine haven't. I think that if they aren't lacking in protein or a vitamin eggs provide because they're already getting eggs...then it shouldn't be an issue. So far
it's been good. I could cook the eggs...but honestly, I know I'm just never going to get there.
I also haven't had have any issues with feather picking within the last year and I've just had a few bloody chickens just this past month. (for minor reasons.) I left them and didn't paint anything on them. The chickens notice the blood but didn't pick or bother those particular chickens. I don't know if I've done something right or if I'm just INCREDIBLY lucky. Back in the day we had laying chickens who would pick until they killed the bird with blood so I'm familiar with what that's like.

Someone on here on one of the threads ( and I can't remember who it was) was mentioning that it makes a difference on whether the protein is animal based or plant based. I just found out this chick starter that I feed the girls is plant based.
By that way of thinking, the 21% is not going to cover their needs. I already know that they get 2/3 grain to chick starter. So maybe that's where feeding the eggs comes in for me? And they haven't gotten millet for about a week now...and I notice their egg production is down a bit. That warrants more investigation because I have millet again.

Back to the original discussion, I did move an older hen who's been injured and is blind in her one eye to the hen side from the grow out side. She hasn't been getting eggs or calcium (oyster shell or egg shells) I just started drying and crushing all the egg shells from the eggs we eat and I add them back to the hens self feeder . I've noticed the girls don't attack the eggs shells from the eggs I give them. But the blind hen was very excited about the eggs shells I had fed and she devoured a few halves in a couple of gulps. It's kinda nasty BUT she must be requiring calcium. She isn't laying. I thought that was interesting. I thought I'd add that in.

Chicken eggs 7 and three went into the incubator

Wow what a windy and cloudy day here the temp is in the mid 50's but by 3am the skys are clear and the wind but earlier today the wind nocked down a power pole so it was lights out for a wile .. Funny I was woken up making a lot of noise and flying around the house and banking into things what a racket so I went out side and could see nothing so after a wile I went back into the house and again more noise so this time I was thinking "matting season" so I went out and was walking around with a flash light and as I walked by a bush I thought I saw something, yep a set of eyes but that was all I could see for a seconded then I moved to the side and that was good enough another bob cat lurking or stalking so I pulled the little Rugger .22 from my pocket as it ran past me and I got a shot of and it jumped so I hit it again and it rolled then it ran under my truck all of this to my surprise so I jut waited a moment as I thought I had hit it and really I hate to just wound a wild animal but then I got down on my belly and looked under the truck and there it was looking back at me so it was defiantly hurt bad to have stayed there so long so I hit it one last time, I knew I should have picked up the .45 pistol but it is so heavy that I have to put on a belt so I can put the pistol in my pants pocket .. These cats are really out this year .
Man, that's a lot of Bobcats out your way! Stay safe. I hope the power outage didn't mess up the eggs in the incubator

14 eggs today, 1 was from a new layer

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