How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Thursday & Friday

18 chicken eggs

2 goose eggs

Temp nice and cold for this time of tear 57F degrees as we have so much snow in the mountains
Great egg count Gander! How many ladies do you have altogether?

21 eggs from 24 hens. 2 were soft shelled ( 1 of which may have been from a previous day & I just overlooked it)
Quote: karenerwin, wow you almost got a 100% egg production day

Thursday & Friday Alright I got the days correct this time

Chicken eggs 9

Temp a nice a cool temp low 60's with very little wind

9 girls in the barn who give most of the eggs all under a year old

4 girls in the disabled holding area, maybe 1 egg a day all over 2 years old

2 girls in the breeding coop

4 girls free ranging and most of their egg are under a shed or go to the crows ..

So 19 girls wow I did not know I had so many
sitting here on a dreary rainy day with 10 of 20 thinking of chicken noddle soup
coming up soon
Chicken Noodle soup day here. 21F, partly sunny, wind 23MPH, Gusting to 45, at Noon. Was 70F last Saturday. Forecast to go to 6F tonight.
Chickens hanging out under or near coop, till winds calm, then run back to coop when the wind ruffles their feathers. Been given them scratch under and around coop.
Need to check nests and empty ice out of rubber bowl under coop 4 times a day in temps of 25F or less. They have a heated fountain in the coop. So far no cracked frozen eggs this winter.
4/5 so far today. Last I looked Blondie was not outside or under coop, hope she's in nest box. GC

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