How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I only got 32 eggs last week. You'd think production would be up with the extra hour of daylight, but no!
The reason? Lack of nutrition. Silly girls are eating snow,ice, and mud.
They are eating about a third less pellets, and with no bugs, worms, insects or grass. They are not able to lay at full capacity.
I have told them daily when I see them eating snow, to go eat some pellets. Do they listen to me? NO!
Will just have to wait for the snow to melt, and the bugs to appear.
4/5 today. GC

I got 6 chicken eggs today, they are laying more now that the weather is warming up. One of the eggs I got was from my silkies and is the first egg I've gotten from them in the past few weeks since a predator got into their coop and took one of their buddies :(.

I just checked all the coops again and turns out another one of my silkies layed an egg! I got TWO silkie eggs in total today from my four silkies: 2/4 :ya. The rest of the eggs I got are from all the other chickens: my cream legbars, Cochin, barred rock, and mixes.

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