How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterday 1 chicken and 1 goose. Today chicken is not happy (someone found a rooster and thought it was mine so she isn't the big dog anymore), no egg. Laverne is in the goose house now and since it's been more than 30 mins I should have one. He is huge too!
He has feathers on his legs yes he looks like a light Brahma

He's big and beautiful. I am sure he had attention since the boys can hold him, he's pretty tame and he doesn't pick on the chickens at all, just crows every hour. All my chickens were hiding earlier unless I came outside but they are coming around and socializing with him a little now. Poor things were scared of him he is so big. LOL
12 eggs today. and 1 less rooster. I noticed that he had broken off the top part of his beak! I think it was from trying to get at the other rooster through the fence. Anyway, he was a beautiful bird, but I was afraid he wasn't able to get enough food. However, I was wrong on that account. But to be honest, I didn't need 4 roosters and this was an easy way to decide who needed to go.

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