How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


Chicken eggs found 13

Momma goose was chased off her nest after 38 days and a younger goose is now siting on the last five eggs left .

One of the Mallard Drakes has the hot's for one of the geese so they are making a lot of noise at night wile he chases her around the yard pulling out her neck feathers ,,,, so funny

Temp it was 90F degrees by 09:30 and I was so dehydrated by 10:00 so I guess it is going to be one hot spring and the fact the flowers are still blooming is rather odd but in a couple more weeks they will be gone till next year
I usually always get 6 eggs from 7 hens every day! The only reason one of them isn't laying is coz she's about 5 years old! And my goodness she is FAT! lol
I always get two eggs everyday from my two khaki campbell!
My birds are GREAT layers!

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