How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have 8 layers and only get 2-3 eggs. Why? Help! They are happy, disease free, free-ranging but dont lay. What can I do to "egg" them on?

Same as Igor said there has to be a hiding spot look under bushes or tall grasses lock them in for a week not aloud to free range may see more when they learn where the boxes are
I have far to many chickens so I decided to only hatch a few FCM,turkeys and Bob whites.
I only let my Fcm Cockerels in with the girls for a month and pulled 12 very dark eggs the last week. of those only 7 were fertile and 1 of those died in the early stages.
Last night day 19 one perfect little chick hatched. I don't even have my brooder set up.:barnie
I might name this bird Trouble or Early.
I have got 2 turkey eggs so far one from each young heritage hen and none from my 2 year old bronze. Anyone know when these Bob whites will start laying?
Today 3/9/18 =
1 = Dasher's, :D
1 = Missy's, :D
1 = Donner's :D
I have 8 layers and only get 2-3 eggs. Why? Help! They are happy, disease free, free-ranging but dont lay. What can I do to "egg" them on?

As mentioned before, there could be some hidey holes somewhere. Other factors like breed, age, available diet, weather, length of day etc. all can affect the layers. Free rangers are particularly erratic this time of year for us with the weather all over the map. To help spur egg production, we'll supplement their diet until the spring greenup with sprouted lentils, oats, red wheat and beans or a tray of warm oatmeal first thing in the morning. We also keep a tray of wheatgrass growing during the winter that we trim for them as a green treat (yeah, we spoil the heck out them). We don't supplement light during the winter, we just appreciate whatever they give us.

As for us, 8/17 today. I've noted irregular egg counts this time of year in the past. It's sunny and 50 one day then snow and 20's the next. Food is a bit irregular for the free rangers with few insects and the grass hasn't greened up yet. We'll get 15 eggs one day and 5 another. Things always get more regular a little further into spring. We have mostly heritage breeds which don't put up production numbers anyway, so any day over 10/17 is good for us. We also have some hens hitting the 4 year mark and are only laying 1-2 per week now at best.
We got 4" of snow over the last 2 days and temps in the 20's. Our broody backed off her nest yesterday and hasn't returned, so we'll have to try again later.

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