How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Hello everyone never even logged in yesterday took cockerel from halloween hatch to auctions and the day got away from me barely get to have a few here now before making dinner tonight was at auction again by 9 this morning but did not buy birds this time.

Benn on average getting 7 to 9 day from my main coop 2 from silky the others two are broody .. one of my older girls in the main coop has one very swollen foot need to get a better look in a bit with BF's help
NO that is crazy cold :eek::eek:is that day temps or overnight? I'm guessing it won't get up much anyway. My US geograpghy is even worse than I thought :oops::oops:- I thought I'd go look where Ohio is - where I thought it was was about where Kansas is :oops: AND what on earth is Colorado doing there next to Kansas - I thought it was somewhere up north - possibly even on the border :lau:lau oops!

Ha ha, night time temps but single to teens digit on daytime, Ohio is closer toward east coast (Pennsylvania and New York) few hours South of Toronto, Canada. Today we got dump on 6” of snow (15.24 cm) and more coming down, I love the snow, it’s so beautiful when it’s cold might as well have white stuff covers everything.

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