How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

salted 3 dozens for culinary experiments :pop
Oh Kris tell tell fascinating - would love to hear your recipe and what you did!

The hen that I found dead in the yard yesterday appears to have a broken neck, but otherwise I don't see any other damage.
Oh no - do you think it was the turkey then?

My poor hens they are really looking raggard. Please please give me some advice / kick up the butt on getting rid of the 3 too many roosters, I really have to for my hens health. Just can't get my head around the logistics of doing my first 'cull' even if it is only 2 or 3 roos!

11/12 today :ya
Oh Kris tell tell fascinating - would love to hear your recipe and what you did!

Oh no - do you think it was the turkey then?

My poor hens they are really looking raggard. Please please give me some advice / kick up the butt on getting rid of the 3 too many roosters, I really have to for my hens health. Just can't get my head around the logistics of doing my first 'cull' even if it is only 2 or 3 roos!

11/12 today :ya

You just have to start with 1. Just do the 1 rooster, then you have 1 less rooster bothering your girls, 1 less chicken eating the feed without giving you anything in return (eggs). The girls will be happier and less ragged and you can toss the rooster in the freezer (after letting him rest at least 24 hours in the refrigerator ). Then when he doesn't seem so much like family, you can enjoy a nice chicken dinner or a lovely pot of homemade chicken noodle soup.
I thank my rooster for providing me dinner before I butcher him. :oops: It makes me feel a tiny bit better, but I don't really think it does any thing for the rooster. :lau

I got 13 eggs today!!

I'm not sure if it was the turkey or not. Maybe 2 roosters fighting over her. Someone suggested that I should see a lot of bruising and other damage that I didn't see. So, the bottom line is, I just don't know. I am trying to find where I stored my trail camera so I can put it outside but it's not where I thought it was. So I have to keep looking.
Crap need to get batteries for my trail cam again it eats them, had 5 when I went in to clean this morning left them encourage others tonight go out just three guess what egg thief back at it two legged one told BF not going anywhere till there is hasp and lock on the door

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