How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Oh Kris tell tell fascinating - would love to hear your recipe and what you did!
Oh, wife and I just boiled a cup of sea salt with 5 cups of water, let them cool and pour them in a jar of dozen fresh eggs (3x) with lid. They will be sitting on our counter for 3-4 wks, then will boil them. Don’t know yet wether we will eat with salad or bake with some Asian recipes. Wife will be doing them later after few weeks, we will tell you how it come about. If we like them will do more.
I think Asians love them, so we will see.

Oh no - do you think it was the turkey then? Mystery:confused:

42 Eggs yesterday
You just have to get past the killing, then it's just meat. I have a roo I've been letting freeload because I hate to kill him. I like him. I have too many though. I think it's easier to do them young, before I get attached.
This summer I'll be doing that nice and early!
Put on your big girl pants and get it done? ;)
Either that or build a separate area for the horny roos.
Big girl pants is the way forward!
I thank my rooster for providing me dinner before I butcher him. :oops: It makes me feel a tiny bit better, but I don't really think it does any thing for the rooster. :lau
Yep I'll be doing that - I'm SURE it makes him feel better too :lau:lau

11 yesterday, not been out yet today!

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