How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

33 eggs yesterday. I have 3 broody nests going on right now, plus I'm trying to convince my turkey hen to stay on her nest instead of wandering around barking all day. It's funny, if I put her on her nest she acts all happy to see her eggs and settles right down, but then some chicken comes along and tries to lay in the box with her, she freaks out and commences with wandering the yard barking.:rolleyes:
yesterday and 15 today.
Have been sick/not feeling well most of the weekend and today. I ran (a very slow) 5K on Saturday morning in the cold and pouring rain for Girls On The Run. It was miserable! I ran it 5 minutes slower than 2 years ago, but still managed to get down in less than an hour!
Now I think I have a cold. :oops: Sore throat, tired, intestinal trouble. I came home from work early today and I slept 11 hours yesterday!!
Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow :fl
@ketojenn at least you can find your turkey's eggs. She still either isn't laying any or she is a masterful egg hider. :lau
38 Eggs Today. We possibly have a second and third broody hens, the second one been sitting for 3 days in the nesting box with newly laid eggs I’d been taking away everyday. The 3rd one just started today and sitting like a pancake on 4 eggs that I took away when I came home.
Sorry you have been unwell @karenerwin hope you are feeling better soon.

Eggciting news :jumpy:jumpy:jumpyI managed to hatch all 5 of my eggs in the oven :jumpy:jumpy:jumpyand snuck the first 3 under Doris the Slightly Dim Silkie Friday night and the following 2 Saturday night - she accepted them without batting an eyelid (potentially the most placid / docile chicken ever born!). So now have 2 silkie x and 4 araucana x chicks :love:love

Been getting 8 most days. Gosh I'm pleased with my Marans - seems hardly a day where there isn't 2 gorgeous brown eggs waiting for me!
Sorry you have been unwell @karenerwin hope you are feeling better soon.

Eggciting news :jumpy:jumpy:jumpyI managed to hatch all 5 of my eggs in the oven :jumpy:jumpy:jumpyand snuck the first 3 under Doris the Slightly Dim Silkie Friday night and the following 2 Saturday night - she accepted them without batting an eyelid (potentially the most placid / docile chicken ever born!). So now have 2 silkie x and 4 araucana x chicks :love:love

Been getting 8 most days. Gosh I'm pleased with my Marans - seems hardly a day where there isn't 2 gorgeous brown eggs waiting for me!

How is the new job? My largest silky Muck she has always kinda been on the sideline
I took the eggs replacing peeps for them she is being a grand momma god set them down you will be broody excellent

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